Monday, March 15, 2010

Color Chart

Retouched Scanned Photo

Untouched Scanned Photo

I really enjoyed the Appalshop films that we watched on Wednesday! I really appreciate Kirstyn always bring a unique perspective to our class. She continues to challenge us to think outside the box and broaden our world. I am thankful to have her at Delta. That being said--the documentaries made me think about my approach toward whom and what I shoot. I was touched by the the relationship that Shelby Adams had with his subjects (friends). I didn't feel that he exploited his subjects and I felt that his photos could never have been achieved had he not built the relationships throughout the years. I felt the first film was sad for all parties involved. You could understand what was going on in each of the victims of this tragic situation. The photographer had tried to cover his bases by getting permission to take the photographs and no one could have imagined what would happen next. Thanks for the insight into a unique world.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 1,2010
  • I really enjoyed the field trip to UOP. The artists ability to use photoshop to manipulate his photographs was amazing. I was really impressed at his ability to accentuate shadows in the water etc. This is a technique that I can appreciate but I do not think I would use. I think I am more of a purist with regards to photography. I look forward to using photo shop like a darkroom but I do not think I will use it to manipulate my photos and take out items. Who knows I am just starting to delve into this process. I miss this darkroom experience and will hopefully become familiar with this digital process. Have a great day! Dawn

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Day of Class

Today we are exploring the amazing world of blogs.